If you're new to business, or getting your feet wet as an entrepreneur, you may not have direct experience with delegating work. But you can get inspiration from the world around you and learn how.
If you've ever worked outside the home in any capacity, you'll likely have been on the "providing" end of delegation. Your supervisor assigned tasks to you; he or she was assigned tasks by his or her supervisor, and onward up the chain of command. Anywhere you go, you're seeing the results of delegation, sometimes effective and sometimes not so much. You stop at a restaurant for lunch - there's a head cashier, a head waiter, and a restaurant manager. The plant that manufactured your furniture has a chain of command...and a quality control team. That PTA you're a member of has committees and positions and committee chairs. When you're a solo-preneur, you may think you don't have anyone to delegate to. But now more than ever, that is incorrect. There are countless Virtual Assistants ready to help (check out EliteVirtualAssist, my favorite), as well as freelancers like me who specialize in a variety of skills and talents. You can find a someone to whom to delegate just about any task. And of course, The Word Doctor is always here to help you present the most effective window to the online world, by providing editing and proofreading support, marketing communications, and more. Remember, for every task you outsource, your time expands to allow you to accomplish so much more, effectively and accurately!
I'll bet you know a couple of people who are very gifted in some way...a superb artist or singer, a powerful healer, a talented mechanic. We could debate for hours on what "gift" means, whether it's a gift from God/Universe as a trait from birth, or whether it's something learned...that old nature/nurture debate. The fact remains, though, that although we all may know how to do something (use a paintbrush or a screwdriver), we may not be able to do it well, or intuitively.
In these cases, the gift is the intuition, the effortlessness of the action. When you use your gift, you don't have to think hard about what needs to be done, you just do it. I've finally come to realize that my gift (yes, I'm tooting my own horn) is in editing. Aside from understanding the right/wrong of proofreading, when I edit I just somehow know what words could be changed or phrasing tweaked to perfectly express an author's idea. I can actually feel the energy of words. I couldn't begin to explain it or teach it...it's an innate ability in my brain and my spirit. Words are my "thing" and I'm blessed to be able to share that gift with others. I'd love to hear your examples and stories of how gifted people you know use their talents. Please share! |